Distant Learning Member Registration

Empire Washitaw Member Registration Process

Step 1

Participation in Our Empire Washitaw de Dugdahmoundyah Distant Learning School to receive
Pre-requisites towards becoming a Nation member through the following classes:

All Classes and Call Times are as Follows: 
8:00 pm EST/ 7:00 pm CST/ 6:00 pm MST/ 5:00 pm PST

Nation’s Address: Business Call Attendance Sunday Night
Telephone Number: (712) 770-4160   Access Code: 895058#
Description: Present Day Issues and Projects Discussed
Objective: Resolutions to Present Day Issues and Announcement of Accomplishments and Upcoming Events
Attendance Requirements: 2 per Month
Materials Needed: None
Cost: Free
Credits:  1

Congressional Letter Writing Class on Mondays Night 
Telephone Number: (712) 770-4160   Access Code: 895058#
Description: Learn to Write Congressional Letter to Congress for Land Reclaimation
Objective:  Write Letter to Congress in Regards to granting a Congressional Hearing for Return of Land
Attendance:  2 per Month until Your Letter has been Received
Materials Needed: Instruments for Note Taking Purposes
Cost: $10 Donation is Required
Certificate will be given upon receipt of the finished Letter
Credits:  2

Washitaw 100:  Tuesday Night
Telephone Number: (712) 770-4160   Access Code: 895058#
Preparation For Juneteenth Celebration 2023

Washitaw 101: ROTAO Class Wednesday Night
Telephone Number: (641) 715-0700  Access Code: 597871#
Description: 27 Week Course for Empress Education and and In depth Study of Return of the Ancient Ones
Objective:  Learn the Life and the Real History of Empress Verdiacee and Empire Washitaw de Dugdahmoundyah
Attendance:  Must attend all 27 weeks. If a session is missed, send $10 donation for session download.
Materials:  PDF Download or Hard Copy of the Autobiography Return of the Ancient Ones
Cost:  $20 Donation for course & Seperate Donation for PDF download or Hard Copy of Book.
An Exam will be given at the end of each Chapter and a Final exam at the End of the Book.
Certificate of Completion will be given once receipt of a passing grade on the final exam is achieved.
Credits: 3

Washitaw 103:  Emperial Genealogy Class 
Telephone Number: (605) 475-6720 Access Code:  2745372#
Description: 6 week Course & indepth study of Emperial Genealogy
Objective:  To Learn the Emperial Bloodline of our Ancient Ancestors
Attendance: Must attend all 6 weeks.  If a session is missed, send a $10 Donation for the Session Download.
Materials:  Drawing Instrument, Poster Board, & an Energetic positive Attitude
Fee:  $20 Donation Required
Note:  This is a Mandatory Course, a requires commitment and dedication.  An exam
will be given at the end of the Course.
Each Participant will receive a Certificate of Completion upon passing the Final Exam.
Credits: 3

Washitaw 102: Return to Ancestral Values
Access: Information will be Given to Registered Students Only
Description:  Intiate 52 weeks Course
Objective: Connecting Our Ancestral Spiritiality From Past to Present through Kemetian Science and Spirituality
Attendance:  Mandatory for Registered Students
Materials:  Will be Notified upon Registration
Fee: Refer to Registration Tab on left for Information
Note:  This course is not Mandatory, and requires alot of dedication, patience, and determination
& requires periodic instructor to student face to face time, as well as webinars and conference calls.